Structural behaviors of the connections between concrete filled square tubular column and steel beam have been studied by the tensile tests of cruciform joint models with inner diaphragm. 本文通过对带内隔板的十字形连接节点的拉伸试验,研究了方钢管混凝土柱与钢梁连接的结构性能。
The Study of Stress Concentration Coefficient of Cruciform joint Based on ANSYS 基于ANSYS的十字接头焊应力集中系数研究
Cruciform welds were fatigue tested under constant amplitude axial load and variable load history conditions. Fatigue cracks generally initiate at the root but may initiate at the toe if higher bending stresses are induced by joint distortion. 对十字接头分别进行恒幅轴向载荷和变载荷历程疲劳试验,接头疲劳裂纹通常开始发生在焊缝根部,但如果接头变形引起的弯曲应力较大,疲劳裂纹也可能发生在焊缝趾部。
One bare steel joint and two cruciform composite joint specimens were tested under low cyclic loading at the top of columns so that one side of the beam-to-column connections was under negative moment and the other side under positive moment. 进行了一个纯钢节点、两个组合节点的低周反复荷载试验。采用柱顶水平加载模式,连接的一侧承受负弯矩,而另一侧承受正弯矩。